View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Aurelian Neacsu in Visina, Dâmbovita, România, captured this image of the moon occulting Venus on Novmeber 9, 2023. Aurelian wrote: “Venus hiding behind the moon.” Thank you, Aurelian! See more photos of Venus and the moon from around the globe, below.
Photos of Venus and the moon
On the morning of November 9, 2023, Venus and the moon paired closely in the sky. Some places on the globe even got to watch the moon pass in front of, or occult, Venus! Enjoy these images of Earth’s two closest solar system neighbors from the EarthSky community. Have a great photo of your own to share? You can submit it to us here.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Terry Lui in Hong Kong captured this image on November 9, 2023. Terry wrote: “I woke up this morning and saw the moon and Venus shining through my bedroom window in the clear sky.” Thank you, Terry!View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Chuck Reinhart in Vincennes, Indiana, caught this image on November 9, 2023. Chuck wrote: “Shortly before sunrise I was able to capture the crescent moon and Venus in a cloudy sky.” Thank you, Chuck!View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Ashley Ewing in Alvin, Texas, caught the moon and Venus on November 9, 2023. Ashley wrote: “My front porch view of the sunrise with the crescent moon, and Venus right above the moon.” Thank you, Ashley!
More moon and Venus photos
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Gadi Eidelheit in Israel captured this image on November 9, 2023. Gadi wrote: “Beautiful daytime occultation of Venus. It was even possible to see with the unaided eye almost until the occultation. In my 12-inch Dobsonian telescope it was perfect to see Venus in a half phase and the very thin moon together. Magnificent celestial event.” Thank you, Gadi!View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Lisa Kendall in Burlington, Wisconsin, captured this view on November 9, 2023. Lisa wrote: “I woke up to this beautiful sight this morning and looked it up to find out what the star was, only to find it is Venus! Stunning sight.” Thank you, Lisa!View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Gerald Barney in Port Wentworth, Georgia, captured this image on November 9, 2023. Gerald wrote: “This morning, waning crescent moon and Venus.” Thank you, Gerald!View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Mike Baxter in Springfield, Missouri, captured this image on November 9, 2023. Mike wrote: “Woke up today around 4:30 and looked out our front window to see this marvelous view! I was going to go back to bed and decided I might not get this chance again, loaded up the camera onto a tripod and headed outside.” Thank you, Mike!
Bottom line: EarthSky’s global community shared fabulous photos of Venus and the moon from their close approach and occultation on November 9, 2023.
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