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Double star orbits: New charts of Sirius and Albireo

Double star: Circle on a grid with oval around it and years labeled on the oval.
The brightest star in the sky, Sirius, has a companion, Sirius B. The 2 stars are tough to “split” or separate, even using a telescope. But, as this chart shows, now is a good time to observe this double star. Sirius A lies at the location of the circle in this chart. Sirius B, its white dwarf companion, can be found at each of the smaller dots at the years indicated. See how Sirius B is just past its greatest separation from Sirius A? Image via Guy Ottewell. Used with permission.

Originally published on March 9, 2022, at Guy Ottewell’s blog. Reprinted with permission.

Sirius and Albireo: 2 famous double stars

The diagram shown above – of a sort that I’ve gradually improved since the second year of my long-running Astronomical Calendar – shows what to expect of the sky’s brightest star, in a view through a telescope. The star is Sirius in the constellation Canis Major the Greater Dog. In the diagram above, the grid lines are at intervals of one second of arc (the size of a cent or dime, a kilometer away). The symbols for Sirius A, and its very faint companion Sirius B, are sized for their magnitudes (brightnesses), not for their apparent sizes, which are point-like as seen from Earth, even through telescopes.

As you see from the dates, Sirius B is just past its apastron, that is, the outermost point of its orbit around Sirius A. Note that, in the diagrams above and below, Sirius B is now at the end of the diagonal line between the two stars. It’s therefore at its least difficult right now to disentangle from the rays of its brilliant primary star.

Read more: Learn how to find Sirius B

Circle on a grid with oval around it and years labeled on the oval and shaded area showing area closer to us.
Sirius B orbits around A in a plane tilted to our line of sight. The shaded area is thought to be nearer to us. This chart shows what we would see if we were looking perpendicularly down on the double-star orbit of Sirius and Sirius B. Image via Guy Ottewell. Used with permission.

Albireo is a colorful double star

The diagram below shows Albireo, a yellow and blue pair, and a much wider pair than Sirius. In contrast to Sirius A and Sirius B, no revolving motion around each other – of the two stars we see as Albireo – has been detected. So the two stars we see as Albireo might not be gravitationally bound. Whether they are – or not – is a matter of debate among experts.

So to draw a picture of such a double-star system, my program had to be adapted, a disentangling process that was surprisingly intricate and took me three days. It would now serve also for the many others pairs mentioned in double-star catalogs that are merely optical: stars that happen to be in the same line of sight but are at different distances.

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of viewing Albireo through a telescope, you know the two stars provide a distinct, and very pretty, color contrast. One star is blue, and the other is often described as “golden.”

So why, in my diagram, is Albireo A shown as orangish, rather than pure yellow? The main spectral types are O, B, A, F, G, K, M, in order of decreasing surface temperature. G stars, such as the sun, are yellow; M stars are red (though star colors are pale, differing only subtly from white). So K stars are “orange.” I make my program color stars by their spectral type. But Albireo A’s type is, more exactly, K2, which verges on G.

Graph with grid and slanted line between an orange dot and a blue dot.
Unlike Sirius A and B, orange Albireo A and blue Albireo B are easy to “split” with a telescope. They are a famous double-star pair. But, as viewed from Earth, they don’t show any revolving motion around each other. So they might not be gravitationally bound. Graph shows to-scale distance between the stars. Image via Guy Ottewell. Used with permission.

A word about seeing colors in double stars

Because stars appear only as points, their colors are hard to perceive. And colors stand out most, and appear to differ most, when they are contrastingly adjacent; this applies to bricks in walls, paints in pictures, as well as to stars. And so the literature on double stars is rich with attempts to give names to personal impressions. Here is part of what is said about Albireo in that classic of astronomy, Robert Burnham’s Celestial Handbook (of 1978, so some of the figures differ):

Albireo is one of the most beautiful double stars in the sky, considered by many observers to be the finest in the heavens for the small telescope. The brighter star is a golden yellow or ‘topaz,’ magnitude 3.09, spectrum K3; the ‘sapphire’ companion is magnitude 5.11, spectrum B8 V. The separation is 34.3 arcseconds, an easy object for the low-power telescope. Even a pair of good binoculars, if steadily held, will split the pair.

Albireo is noted for its superb color contrast, best seen with the eyepiece slightly displaced from the sharpest focus. Miss Agnes Clerke (1905) called the tints ‘golden and azure,’ giving perhaps ‘the most lovely effect of color in the heavens.’ For the average amateur telescope, there is probably no pair so attractive, though the color effect seems to diminish in either very small or very large telescopes, or with too high a magnification. No more than 30X is required on a good 6-inch to show this superb pair as two contrasting jewels suspended in a region that is wonderfully rich, and for wide-angle telescopes the star clouds to the northeast are probably unequaled in splendor in the entire heavens.

Bottom line: Learn more about the double stars Sirius and Albireo with these helpful charts from Guy Ottewell.

The post Double star orbits: New charts of Sirius and Albireo first appeared on EarthSky.

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