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Fomalhaut, the loneliest star, near Jupiter and Saturn in 2021

Star chart with the star Fomalhaut and planets Jupiter and Saturn.
In northern autumn 2021, the bright, solitary star Fomalhaut will appear near the brighter planets Jupiter and Saturn. Look southward from the Northern Hemisphere. Look high in the sky (in southern spring 2021) from the Southern Hemisphere.

Fomalhaut, bright and lonely

Fomalhaut, aka Alpha Piscis Austrinus, is sometimes called the Loneliest Star. That’s because it’s the only bright star in a wide stretch of sky. From the Northern Hemisphere, Fomalhaut arcs in solitary splendor across the southern sky in autumn. Some call it the Autumn Star. From the Southern Hemisphere, you’ll look higher up to see Fomalhaut in your season of spring. In 2021, Fomalhaut isn’t so solitary. Two brighter planets, Jupiter and Saturn, appear near it in the sky. Fomalhaut will be the one that’s twinkling.

Keep reading to learn more about this young star. It’s of special interest to astronomers because it has a debris ring around it. Astronomers think new worlds are forming in Fomalhaut’s ring, at an early stage in the planet-forming process.

How to see it

Fomalhaut is the 18th brightest star in the night sky. It’s part of the faint constellation Piscis Austrinus, the Southern Fish. In a dark sky, you’ll see a half-circle of faint stars of which bright Fomalhaut is a part. This star pattern marks the open mouth of the Southern Fish.

In early September, Fomalhaut is more or less opposite the sun. And so it shines in the sky all night. It reaches its culmination – its highest point in the sky – around local midnight in mid-September.

Fomalhaut culminates (reaches its highest point in the sky) at different times on different dates. Here are just a few approximate times and dates of culmination:

July 15: 4:30 a.m.
August 15: 2:30 a.m.
September 15: 0:30 a.m.
October 15: 10:30 p.m.
November 15: 8:30 p.m.
December 15: 5:30 p.m. (U.S. daylight saving time)

From the Northern Hemisphere, you can see Fomalhaut from as far north as 60 degrees latitude (southern Alaska, central Canada, northern Europe), where it just skims the southern horizon. From the Southern Hemisphere, Fomalhaut appears much higher in the sky. You can use one of several stargazing smartphone apps, some that are free, to help you find it. Or visit Stellarium-Web.org, the free online planetarium, and enter your location and time.

A gray, black, and white star chart (with stars represented as black dots).
Stars in Piscis Austrinus, the Southern Fish, including Fomalhaut. Image via International Astronomical Union/ Sky & Telescope/ Wikimedia Commons.
Stars in black sky. Labeled constellations are shown with blue lines connecting the stars.
View larger. | A wide view of the sky from Austin, Texas, 30 minutes past midnight as it will be on September 15, 2021. Fomalhaut, marked in this chart with crosshairs, is approximately 30 degrees above the horizon at its highest altitude. (From Washington, D.C., the star would be about 21 degrees above the horizon, and in Montreal, Canada, around 15 degrees.) To get your bearings, locate the great square of Pegasus; use the west side of the square to guide you south, about three times its length, toward Fomalhaut. Image via the Stellarium app.

Rings of dust and gas

Fomalhaut is a hot blue star about 25 light-years away. It’s almost twice the mass and size of our sun but radiates over 16 times the sun’s energy. Fomalhaut has a companion star less than a light-year away from it. The companion is a yellowish-red star, about 70% the mass of our sun. A third member of the Fomalhaut star system was announced in 2013, a small reddish star about 2.5 light-years from Fomalhaut. From Earth, we see the third star located in the constellation Aquarius instead of Piscis Austrinus.

Fomalhaut itself is a young star, just 440 million years old. That’s in contrast to 4 1/2 billion years for our sun. Fomalhaut is of special interest to astronomers because it has several rings of dust and gas around it, early indications of planets in the process of formation around this star. Astronomers have detected inner debris disks close to the star, within a few astronomical units (AU) from the star.

There’s a much larger, thicker debris ring about 133 AU from the star. A study published in 2008 generated a lot of excitement when Hubble Space Telescope images, taken in 2004, 2006 and 2008 showed an apparent planet very close to this debris ring. Astronomers first thought it was the first directly imaged exoplanet. But data from other telescopes brought that conclusion under scrutiny. And, by 2014, this object was no longer visible to Hubble.

What happened? Astronomers think that the “planet” was actually a large dust cloud generated by the collision of two large bodies near the ring. And over time, that dust cloud may have dissipated. Even though it turned out not to be a planet, astronomers were pleased. Catching the aftermath of a collision in a planet-forming disk was good, too! The event provided clues to a deeper understanding about how planets form.

Two images. On the left a dark circle with a red ring around it. On the right a series of bright dots.
On the left, a Hubble Space Telescope image showing Fomalhaut’s debris disk. The star itself has been blocked so its brightness doesn’t drown its faint ring from view. The small box shows the object once thought to be the planet (but no more). On the right is a simulation, based on observations, of how the object appeared from 2004 to 2014. The object is now thought to be the result of a collision in the disk. Image via NASA.

Fomalhaut in history and mythology

The name Fomalhaut derives from the Arabic Fum al Hut, meaning Mouth of the Fish.

In the sky visible from the Northern Hemisphere, the constellation Aquarius the Water Bearer resides above Fomalhaut’s constellation Piscis Austrinus. You can see a zigzag line of stars from Aquarius to Piscis Austrinus. In sky lore, this line of stars represents water from the Jar of the Water Bearer, trickling into the open Mouth of the Fish.

According to Richard Hinckley Allen, Fomalhaut was one of the four guardians of the heavens to the ancient Persians, in 3,000 BCE, called by them Hastorang. (The other guardians were Aldebaran in Taurus, Antares in Scorpius, and Regulus in Leo.) Around 2,500 BCE, Fomalhaut helped mark the location of the winter solstice, meaning that it helped to define the location in the sky where the sun crossed the meridian at noon on the first day of winter. Allen also says that in 500 BCE, Fomalhaut was worshipped at the temple of Demeter in Eleusis, in ancient Greece.

Fomalhaut’s position is RA: 22h 57m 39s, Dec: -29° 37′ 20″.

Antique etching of an old man carrying a water jug. Below him is a fish. Stars are scattered over the chart.
View larger. | Aquarius the Water Carrier appears above Piscis Austrinus, the Southern Fish, in the Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, published in 1822. In the illustration, water from the Water Jar of Aquarius can be seen going into the Mouth of the Southern Fish. if it’s dark where you are, you can easily see a zigzag line of stars representing this flow of water. Image via United States Naval Observatory Library.
A darkened skyline, with smoke from a chimney blowing sideways and a single star, Fomalhaut, above.
View larger. | Fomalhaut is sometimes called the Loneliest Star because no other bright stars shine near it in the sky. Photo by EarthSky Facebook friend Tony Gieracki. Thank you, Tony!

Bottom line: Fomalhaut is relatively easy to spot as it shines brightly in an area of sky with no other bright stars nearby. It is of special interest to astronomers because of debris rings around it, the beginnings of a planetary system.

The post Fomalhaut, the loneliest star, near Jupiter and Saturn in 2021 first appeared on EarthSky.

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